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Info for stakeholders

Is your company or organisation looking for students who know programming, networks, media and frontend, or cyber security?

What makes WIMMA Lab team special?

In otherwords, why would your company be interested in the students?

  • WIMMA Lab has been, for already eight years, a functioning a project learning environment.
  • In WIMMA Labs teams the participants will be moulded to project workers, who have a leg up on other students
  • Summer 2016 the project Inssiforum 2017 was granted a honorable mention.
  • WIMMA Lab has been developed further in different programs, for example TIVIT Cloud Software Finland, DIMECC Cyber Trust and DIMECC N4S .
  • The close to 25 participants has been chosen from the set of multiple students.

How to participate?

There's multiple ways to participate, check the WIMMA Lab for companies section of our site.

Your company has a chance to participate in the next events

So get in contact and be succesful in recruiting students!

Name: Marko "Narsuman" Rintamäki Email: marko.rintamä Linkedin: Marko "Narsuman" Rintamäki