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What's happening in 2023

WIMMA Lab is on the horizon and the ideas for the summer are starting to form.

An important goal is to further the DevSecOps production model. We'll work on developing further or redeveloping two different services during the summer.

Needed Skills:

  • Programming
  • Testing
  • Project management
  • Agile development
  • Information Security

Used technologies:

  • Kubernetes
  • Gitlab
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • Knative
  • Docker

SOC Center for WIMMA Lab environment and services

We will build a SOC solution for WIMMA Lab enviroment and service production. We try to iterate last year results and focus to deliver more stabile setup

SKILL Collector - Skill Collector V1.0

Tool for gathering information of needed skills in real life companys. Proof of Concept was build during spring 2023 and now WIMMA Lab team will rewrite PoC as a real service

Tehcnologys: VUE, REACT, POSTGRESQL, Docker, Kubernetes, PowerBI, PowerAutomate

SKILLER Database - SFIA 8 skill database

We need a database for SFIA data. It will be used in future for other tool implementations.

Technlogy & methods:

  • REST
  • PostgreSQL
  • NodeJS
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes

DevSecOps reference productline for training

We will continue development of reference productline for Conduit service further. Now we will implement whole CI/CD pipeline for reference production line.

Technologys: Robot Framework, Play Right, Squash, Sonatype Nexus, SonarQube, K2, Anchorage etc

Running the example service

Haastix is raised again on production for summer :9

  • Redeveloping a previously implemented a product idea to an indepent service, and switching technology stacks.


  • The competence for the different assigments are diverse from service design to machine learning. If you don't know how, we'll learn together! The implementation of services is strongly related to website, mobile and cross platform app development, automation and testing. it also matters that the service is developed with cyber security in mind and that future development is also possible.
  • WIMMA Lab's style and brand is always evolving like through the website. And a new brand will be build for the new services.
  • It's important to clean up your digital footprint, and just leave the essentials.
  • Work happens either online or face to face using modern practises, that have been proven to work well, of Scrum and Agile. Your work is lead by It institute Coaches, which have multiple years of experience working in WIMMA Lab.
  • So come join WIMMA Lab and you'll get to impact when and how this year will go down. After the summer you'll know the newest and hottest tricks and tips.


  • Communication in the hybrid environment
  • Work alone and together in a group, but near and far
  • How to create a scalable service
  • How to allows the portability to different service providers and have no vendor-lock
  • Developing the information security for services (DevSecOps)

Initial assignments

  • Virtual communication and media production for the services
  • Enhancing the hybrid work model
  • Incorporating information security testing to the product development