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The traditional event for WIMMA Lab participants called Kettu Keter ("Get Together") will be held after Open Doors!

Theme What in the Kettu?

Mornings Open Doors is over and now is the time to relax :)

We'll meet in front of Dynamo to walk to the event place.

  • Friday 9.6.2023 15.30 we walk together to SOHWI.
  • Dinner in restaurant SOHWI 16.00
  • After eating we move to Digia Offices.
  • Digia offices are available for our use from 17.00 untill 23.00.
  • When you're participating remember that there are representatives from companies which you can get to know better, but maybe don't go too crazy ;) .
  • The goal is to get to know the other teams, different stakeholders, and sponsors in an informal situation
  • WIMMA Lab Participants + clients + coaches + thesis workers + sponsors :)

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