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Instructions for the participants

Process movers forwards according to this chart, from top to bottom. After the chart you can find more accurate information about every part.

Step by Step Guide

Making a practise plan

If you are replacing part of your practise with WIMMA Lab or Future Factory and 5 credits worth of practise, this applies to you.

Make a practise plan according to the JAMK's procedures. Here's the Link to the site where you can find more information.

Remember to mark the training period a bit longer than necessary, so you don't have to mess with the study support. Your credits will be according to your hours and if you become inspired to do more in august, then it's better leave some leeway. Remember to actually work for 15 credits!!

  • Practise Period: 16.5. - 29.7.2023
  • Leading teacher: Narsu
  • To the work contract "Employer and employer won't do a contract..."

Here's a guide to fill the form

After filling the form send it to your tutor teacher to accept it, they will send it to the coach, and after they sign it, send it back to you. When you have signed it (you can use Acrobat Reader Fill&Sign feature) the form, send it back to the tutor teacher and the coach.

Tho form should be filled as soon as possible when your placement is confiemrd, so that it can be signed before WIMMA Lab starts.

Reportronic + logging the hours

We'll tell how to use Reportronic during the orientation week.

logging the hours will happen normally in accordance with project practises. You also need to add the WIMMA Lab project from the project drop menu.

You can find Reportronic here.

The hours are marked to this project:

Add to Reportronic new project WIMMA Lab 2023!!

General info on logging hours (if you are present normally)

  • Normal day is 7h 15min (+ 30-45 min for lunch)
  • This will be logged as 7,25 h, exchange the minutes to a percent of an hour.
  • Only the hours will be logged that were spent working and/or present
  • If you come to work at 8:00, leave 17:00 and do 45 min lunch you will put 7,25 h to reportronic.
  • If you come in at 9:00, leave 15:00 and have a 30 min lunch, you'll put 5,5 h.
  • You can only do +40 h overtime "in the bank", and agree to be away (inform Eliel and Narsu in advance!!!!)
  • The cumulative hours is the only thing that matters.
  • Don't put the hours where you're physically there but mentally you're not.
  • 25 hours = 1 credit

Making your Linkedin account

Linkedin works as a meeting place for job-hunters and employers. Your profile adds visibility on the internet, in your employers eyes, and you can start building professional network and profile. You can get to Linkedin through Here.

If you don't have an account, make one!

General Instructions

  • Avoid typos. Proofread it with someone else.
  • Your profile should be in english.
  • The picture should be a clear picture of your face (not a full body shot) and no funny stuff!
  • No other people, animals, object etc.
  • A good picture shows your professionalism.
  • Background could be something relating to your work?
  • If you're looking for work, bring it up in the title.
  • Your summary should be interesting, clear and show your core competencies. Don't make it too long. You can use bullet points.
  • After the summary put your contact information clearly so people can find them.
  • Put your work experience from newest to oldest, and tell a brief info about your responsibilities and what you used (React, Javascript, C# etc)
  • A public account is always easier to find than private.
  • Fix you URL to actually be readable, like ;).
  • Network Network Network! Add at least everyone in WIMMA Lab, the participants, coaches, guests, everyone!

Returning the report

The official guide is here.

Every student will write a summary about what they have done in the summer and what were their responsibilities, which is called a Practical Training Report. The report including all of the attachments must be returned to the coach two weeks after WIMMA lab ends at the latest.

So in sumamry: * Make a report with JAMK's official template. * Report has to be printable as a one document * Report has to include a front page and a table of contents * 4 - 5 pages of text * Hours imported from Reportronic added as an attachment

Your head headlines can be these for example: * Description of the project and client, where you did your work. * Work environment and group * Assignments in chronological order * What you learned and what information you left with? * What was the most challenging part? * What would you like to improve?

Your report is done! What then?

  • When you feel like your report is ok (remember to proofread it!!!), you can send it to Narsu. After that he'll get in touch with you as soon as possible so they can organise a final interview.
  • When you send the email include your birth date so drawing up an work certificate is easier.
  • Next the work certificate is made for you, which has to be ready before inputting the credits.
  • Once you've found a fitting date and time for your interview, you'll go through what you did and if there's any notes from the coaches.
  • During the interview you'll fill a form which is returned with the report, hours and your certificate to your coordinator.

Final interview form.

Form can be found here. Narsu will fill it with you during the final interview.

Work certificate instructions

You'll get your work certificate after (or possibly during) your final interview, if your report is good enough.

applying for replacing courses

  • Have you done something that has a course! Put it to use!
  • You need to still write a final report, so why not include that.
  • Replacements are agreed on case by case basis with Narsu.

What about credits?

Every week 7.25 h is worked * 5 d = 36.25 h

  • 1 credit = 25 h
  • 15 credits * 25 h = 375 h

So you need about 10 weeks of work. Work time 17.5. - 29.7.2023.

When do I get my credits?

When you have in your hand: * A practical training report * Form that was filled during the final interview * Work certificate

Take them to your teacher tutor or coordinator and they'll sign them.