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Professional Skill Definitions

During the Jamkin Future Factory (IT) course, the suitability of the SFIA competence matrix for the development of competence objectives in study paths is evaluated.

During the course, a selected set of competencies described by SFIA8 will be followed. Unfortunately, no description in Finnish is available at this time. The instructor will advise if necessary.

Skill Code Description
Acceptance testing BPTS Validating systems, products, business processes or services to determine whether the acceptance criteria have been satisfied.
Application support ASUP Delivering management, technical and administrative services to support and maintain live applications.
Configuration management CFMG Planning, identifying, controlling, accounting for and auditing of configuration items (CIs) and their interrelationships.
Content publishing ICPM Managing and continually improving the processes that collect, assemble and publish content.
Customer service support CSMG Managing and operating customer service or service desk functions.
Data modelling and design DTAN Developing models and diagrams to represent and communicate data requirements and data assets.
Data visualisation VISL Facilitating understanding of data by displaying concepts, ideas, and facts using graphical representations.
Database administration DBAD Installing, configuring, monitoring, maintaining and improving the performance of databases and data stores.
Database design DBDS Specifying, designing and maintaining mechanisms for storing and accessing data.
Incident management USUP Coordinating responses to incident reports, minimising negative impacts and restoring service as quickly as possible.
Information security SCTY Defining and operating a framework of security controls and security management strategies.
Innovation INOV Identifying, prioritising, incubating and exploiting opportunities provided by information, communication and digital technologies.
IT infrastructure ITOP Deploying, configuring and operating IT Infrastructure.
Knowledge management KNOW Managing vital knowledge to create value for the organisation.
Penetration testing PENT Testing the effectiveness of security controls by emulating the tools and techniques of likely attackers.
Problem management PBMG Managing the life cycle of all problems that have occurred or could occur in delivering a service.
Programming/software development PROG Developing software components to deliver value to stakeholders.
Project management PRMG Delivering agreed outcomes from projects using appropriate management techniques, collaboration, leadership and governance.
Quality assurance QUAS Assuring, through ongoing and periodic assessments and reviews, that the organisation’s quality objectives are being met.
Release and deployment RELM Applying the processes, systems and functions required to make new and changed services and features available for use.
Requirements definition and management REQM Managing requirements through the entire delivery and operational life cycle.
Risk management BURM Planning and implementing organisation-wide processes and procedures for the management of risk to the success or integrity of the enterprise.
Software configuration PORT Designing and deploying software product configurations into software environments or platforms.
Software design SWDN Specifying and designing software to meet defined requirements by following agreed design standards and principles.
Sustainability SUST Providing advice, assistance and leadership to enable the organisation to minimise negative environmental impact.
Systems and software life cycle engineering SLEN Establishing and deploying an environment for developing, continually improving, and securely operating software and systems products and services.
Systems integration and build SINT Planning, implementing and controlling activities to synthesise system components to create operational systems, products or services.
Testing TEST Investigating products, systems and services to assess behaviour and whether this meets specified or unspecified requirements and characteristics.
User experience evaluation USEV Validating systems, products or services against user experience goals, metrics and targets.
Vulnerability assessment VUAS Identifying and classifying security vulnerabilities in networks, systems and applications and mitigating or eliminating their impact.