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WIMMA Lab 2023

In WIMMA Lab you will learn how to work in a professional setting.

  • The student can get at most 15 credits, which will be recognized as part of your practise or complementary practise.
  • Work happens during normal working hours and demands constant attendance.
  • WIMMA Lab is in practise a summer job, where you will operate within the framework of normal workplace practises.
  • Course is available to anyone, who has completed TTC2070-course or otherwise shown previous recognition of competence in software courses.

  • LINK TO Official WIMMA Lab pages

Timeline for Summer of 2023

Goals to be delivered

Info for stakeholders and supporters

About arrangements

Unit offering the course JAMK, Future Factory, JAMK IT-institute
WIMMA Lab Student Coach 2023 Veeti Hakala
Background Help Narsuman, Paavo Nelimarkka
Semester Summer 2023
Groups AMK, TIC, JAMK and JYU